Through Community Service Program Based Windmill, Lecturer and
Student, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Indonesia (UI)
to develop the Regional Ecotourism in Kampung Bungin, Muara Gembong,
"The choice of Kampung Bungin as devotion area is to improve local energy independence, improve the people's economy and opening the eyes of various circles to save the environment around the coast," says Professor of Mechanical Engineering FT UI Prof.Dr.Adi Surjosatyo.
Prof. Adi said that the wind potential in Kampung Bungin has a speed between 1-10m / s, this condition is very potential to meet the needs of wind turbines that will generate electricity. Changes in wind direction at the time of the east monsoon and monsoon west at a speed that is not much different from the conditions of the wind blowing from the morning starting at 09:00 until the evening at 24.00.
"The system of wind power plant designed by FTUI Wind Turbine Design Team is a system with a capacity of 500 watts," says Prof. Adi.
He said the Wind Turbine Tower has been designed with a height of 9 meters and is divided into 6 Baian (height of 1.5 meters for each part). This condition is intended to facilitate the mobilization of the design of a solid foundation.
The system is designed to produce electrical energy with a capacity of 500 watts at a speed of 3 m / s (cut-in speed) and will stop generating electricity at a speed of 12 m / s. The generator used is the type of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) 500 watt 24VAC 3-Phase.
The design team is a collaboration turbine Wind Turbine Design Team FTUI (Wind Energy Team UI) with the Lantern Wind Nusantara (LAN).
He further said that the system Maintenance and Operations will involve citizens who are trained to operate and maintain, includes training operation and checking of electricity, maintenance of components (towers, foundations, turbines, generators, electrical systems) and measurement of the speed and direction of the wind, so it is expected that residents were able operate and maintain independently.
"The choice of Kampung Bungin as devotion area is to improve local energy independence, improve the people's economy and opening the eyes of various circles to save the environment around the coast," says Professor of Mechanical Engineering FT UI Prof.Dr.Adi Surjosatyo.
Prof. Adi said that the wind potential in Kampung Bungin has a speed between 1-10m / s, this condition is very potential to meet the needs of wind turbines that will generate electricity. Changes in wind direction at the time of the east monsoon and monsoon west at a speed that is not much different from the conditions of the wind blowing from the morning starting at 09:00 until the evening at 24.00.
"The system of wind power plant designed by FTUI Wind Turbine Design Team is a system with a capacity of 500 watts," says Prof. Adi.
He said the Wind Turbine Tower has been designed with a height of 9 meters and is divided into 6 Baian (height of 1.5 meters for each part). This condition is intended to facilitate the mobilization of the design of a solid foundation.
The system is designed to produce electrical energy with a capacity of 500 watts at a speed of 3 m / s (cut-in speed) and will stop generating electricity at a speed of 12 m / s. The generator used is the type of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) 500 watt 24VAC 3-Phase.
The design team is a collaboration turbine Wind Turbine Design Team FTUI (Wind Energy Team UI) with the Lantern Wind Nusantara (LAN).
He further said that the system Maintenance and Operations will involve citizens who are trained to operate and maintain, includes training operation and checking of electricity, maintenance of components (towers, foundations, turbines, generators, electrical systems) and measurement of the speed and direction of the wind, so it is expected that residents were able operate and maintain independently.