

Develop Government optimism EBT of 3.6 GW per year

The government in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is optimistic to develop new renewable energy amounted to 3.6 gigawatts (GW) per year in the past 10 years.

This optimistic attitude is one of the measures to achieve the target of 23 percent renewable energy in the national energy mix, equivalent to 45 GW in 2025.

Director of Bioenergy Sudjoko Harsono said the new renewable energy capacity have reached 9.8 per cent in the national energy mix. To develop new energy sources to 23 percent required a substantial investment in the Rp1.600 trillion.
"Currently, the installed capacity of 8.66 GW of new renewable energy or a contribution of 9.8 per cent in the national energy mix," said Sudjoko, as quoted in the pages EBTKE DG, in Jakarta, Thursday (10/13/2016).
Because the charge of bioenergy, Sudjoko explained, the government has made some policies and programs so that the contribution of bioenergy in 2025 in accordance with the target, among others, implement mandatory use of biofuels (BBN) 20 percent. According to him, the mandatory implementation was a success because the current government is preparing to increase again be mandatory B-30.
"We also all know Indonesia successful in implementing mandatory B20 and now the government along with stakeholders to prepare for higher level that is mandatory B-30," he explained.
In addition to mandatory, according Sudjoko, in pursuit of a target of 23 percent renewable energy, the government has also set a feed in tariff scheme for biomass, biogas and municipal solid waste power plants. With the existence of the scheme is the development of bioenergy-based power plants to run well.
"The development of bioenergy-based power plants running well, especially after the government implemented a policy of feed-in tariff," he said.
For your information, the total power generation capacity of bioenergy based on the grid this year reached 126.6 mw consisting of biogas, biomass, and municipal waste.


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