

Realize Capital EBT with Excitement

The problem of electricity in the country is actually not how complicated. Only those who have the power and interests in this country which is causing it to become complicated as there is no way out.

Polemics development of new and renewable energy (EBT) could be resolved with the spirit and intent together. Those values ​​are at least evidenced by the village community Kamanggih, District Kahaungu Eti, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). 

Rejection of regents in 2000 ago did not deter the Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Mbakuhau stand strong. Once upon a time in 2011 when the residents saw the potential of the water flow from the forests Labundung passing through the mountain slope can drives power generating turbines although according to survey local power company no energy potential in situ. 

Having worked together and assisted parties, the MHP Mbakuhau project successfully constructed. Its location within more than 5 kilometers from the center of the village Kamanggih can generate up to 300 kW per day by utilizing the abundant water flow. In the first two years, the MHP Mbakuhau electricity consumed only 350 houses. 

"At first people did not understand the electric and just be consumers. Until we currently regulates everything from the treatment of micro hydro to the dues of electricity," said Chairman of the Cooperative Services Peduli Kasih Umbu Hinggi Panjanji when met the group of journalists together with the Foundation Knowledge Exchange Eastern Indonesia ( BaKTI), Tuesday (25/10). 

Through cooperative village residents Kamanggih now set itself every power consumption and cost that they incur. Everything, eventually restored to the MHP Mbakuhau care costs, ranging from lubricants to charge carriers.

Managerial does not come just like that. Village Community Kamanggih received special instruction from the NGO Hivos designated MCA Indonesia.

"The problem is the sustainability of renewable energy, so we prepare the citizens as possible and bring mem-managerial consultants so that they understand," said Field Project Manager Sumba Iconic Island Hivos Southeast Asia, Welhelmus Poek. 

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Sumba is itself a unique island. Scorching sun that occur throughout the year, as well as strong winds is the potential for renewable energy. That is why, there is a national project Sumba Iconic Island (SII), which makes Sumba pilot areas of renewable energy development. 

According to the plan, by 2020, Sumba desirous that a 100% renewable energy is applied. Until August 2015, the ratio of electricity there reached 43%, which is 10% of them use the EBT which generate up to 4.87 mw.

"At least in 2020, we are targeting 95% EBT Sumba and 5% of them from conventional energy," said Welhelmus.


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