

Special air so economical advantages PT DI

President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Budi Santoso said the type of aircraft designed specifically and have competitive price in economic terms is considered to be the best product excellence Indonesia.
"We excess is just one, if there is a request a special plane, normally we can be more competitive than other companies," Budi said in Bandung on Thursday.
Budi exemplifies for aircraft used as air patrol aircraft, aircraft assembly company that can add features integration between the equipment with other equipment. However, the plane made competitive from the economical.
He also did not dismiss PT DI can not compete in the economic value produced when air is kind of standard.
European aircraft manufacturer in another country can produce air mass that allowed him to reduce the selling price to the market.
"Other countries may be the bulk of our production. It will be difficult economically to compete. If it's more the right," he said.
Budi said that PT DI is trying to market a commercial aircraft in addition to producing the best main weaponry system (defense equipment).
Civil transport aircraft, said Budi, the market has a lot more than the military aircraft market.
The Indonesian government also requested that the state-owned company began producing commercial aircraft that can still exist without having to rely on air defense equipment orders.
However, Budi said, it does not mean PT DI reduce product alutsistanya.
"But to live in commercial aircraft this we also still have the ability to make weapons system. Normally all the companies that make the weapons system also makes commercial aircraft," said Budi.
Budi who also once led by PT Pindad exemplifies the Boeing company which is famous for its commercial aircraft products are also a lot of producing defense equipment.
"The famous Boeing commercial aircraft, but more than 50 percent of the sales of defense equipment," said Budi.
Currently PT DI has issued the commercial aircraft products N219 and is currently developing its newest commercial aircraft N245.


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