

The advantages of this aircraft N219 Artificial PT DI

PT Dirgantara Indonesia will launch a pioneering aircraft N219 in November 2015. The best project worth Rp 500 billion is expected to help the mobility of the people of Indonesia, especially in eastern Indonesia.
Chief Engineering Aircraft N219 Palmana Banandhi say this air superiority compared to competitors in its class is the aircraft's ability to transport goods and people.
"So it was able to take advantage pilot 500 kilograms of competitors. If the performance is almost the same side," said Palmana told Tempo on Thursday, October 29, 2015.
In addition, he said that the best technology is used on the N219 uses the most advanced technology. Palmana compares with the best in its class, such as the Twin Otter that uses engine technology in 1960.
"From the aerodynamic side using '90s technology. Because we combine water technologies foil CN 235 and N250 so that the technology is superior," said Palmana.
In addition, the benefits of N219 is able to take off or landing in any kind of foundation. Aircraft N219 has the ability to land on unpaved runway or runway land.
"The aircraft is designed to meet (needs) in the pioneer area, where in the region do not have a perfect airport facilities," he said.
So, Palmana said the aircraft is suitable to operate in eastern Indonesia. In addition to be landed on the ground, the aircraft is capable of maneuvering at low speeds.
"It is ideally suited for in Papua. Because there the area is hilly, so need an aircraft that can fly at a very low speed. So it can infiltrate the hills over there," said palmana.
Palmana said the aircraft is able to accommodate 19 passengers. In addition to civilian transportation purposes, these aircraft could be used for military purposes.
The plan, a prototype aircraft will be displayed to the public in mid-November 2015. However, in order to be able to fly this aircraft takes about six months. N219 project has been planned since 2006. The project is a collaboration of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space Administration with PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
In this project, the Indonesian government has disbursed Rp 400 billion. Target to complete, these aircraft require funds of around Rp 500 billion.
Although not yet completed one hundred percent, a number of airline companies are already lining up to buy these aircraft. Aircraft N219 will be sold for US $ 5-6 million.
Besides the advantages mentioned above, Palmandi said one of the advantages of this aircraft, nearly 40 percent of energy and raw materials best done by children of the nation. Palmana expect the completion of this project is able to boost the national aerospace industry.


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